I'm a Pit
I'll never hate you one bit
You can use me to fight
But you I'll never bite
You don't have to feed me today
And I won't cry or bay
You can take my bone
Buut I won't leave you alone
You can hate me 'cause I'm a Pit
And I'll never hate you one bit
The Monster
I see the children in the park,
my master lets me play with them,
I love them and they love me and we play togeather happily. Untill their mother comes and says
children stay away from thoes monsters they eat children like you!
and she takes them away
And then I wonder who the monster is
then it hits me,
she is talking about me.
And so now here I am all chained up and very lonly.
Marissa Kundl
Life through a Pit Bull’s Eyes
You breed me to be strong,
Now you think you were wrong.
I am man's best friend,
Now you want me to meet my end.
I live to protect the ones that I love,
I'm the best of my breed a step above.
I'm as good as you raise me to be,
I was not born evil can't you see.
I come in different shapes, sizes, and colors,
I'm here to serve my master just like all the others.
My master loves me as if one of their own,
When I walk by there side or fetch a bone.
Here is a little history about my kind,
Always keep these facts in the back of your mind.
I lived in the white house with a President named Teddy,
During the 1st World War, I was an American symbol can’t you see.
Sgt. Stubby was the most decorated war dog and this is no lie.
I even lived with the little Rascles once upon a time,
I’ve lived with the brightest man ever known,
Thomas Edison he created the light bulb,
Now that I’ve given you some history about my kind,
Let me get back to what’s been on my mind.
I feel for people, who have been attacked,
But you can't put all the blame on my back.
For I'm a creature put on God's great earth,
No knowledge of love or hate before my birth.
Why do you blame us all for a few bad ones?
Do you hate your children because of a few bad sons?
One day I hope you’ll realize,
For it’s you that has hate in your eyes.
It’s not up to you to wipe out a breed,
For only God has the power to do that deed.
So just remember as I run along,
It’s not my breed, but your perception that’s all wrong.
John Yurgealitis Jr
Written with a pen
sealed with a kiss
there is one thing
I do know this
she was mine
and I was hers
gods fate chose
her over me
with love and compassion
I loved to give her
my loss was great
and the pain hurt to
but the lies of
what people saw in
Cost her, her life
and my heart to break.
-sharon rupe
(Chloe was a pit bull. died on what was a supposed to be celebrating day(mothers day)
She always wanted to be a mother she even adopted a teddy bear. i wouldn't haved minded being a grandmother at
15. She loved people and all other animals she wasn't a fighter she was a lover. The mistakes people make and how their quick to judge. Can cost
a child's heart to break. I wonder if they'll ever know how much it hurts for a mother to lose her baby.)
Sharon Rupe
A spirited Pit Bull
Shares my days,
And makes my life complete.
Intelligent and protective,
Yet affectionate and sweet.
A strong willed dog,
So fast and quick-
With courage and self pride.
I can’t imagine life without
My Pit Bull by my side.
Active and adventurous,
A dog that loves to play-
My Pit Bull puts the sunshine
Into each and every day.
Bonnie Bleu
Pit bulls Don't Cry
I see the children in the lane
They look like friends; we'll have a game
They've got a stick, oh boy, what fun
They'll throw it for me and I'll run.
But someone stops me.
I wonder why their mother screams "Don't go near those Horrid dogs, come here, come close they're dangerous-I'll tell you why. They bite little children and they die".
All I can do is watch and sigh
Cause now I know that Pit bulls don't cry.
Mum cuddles me up and says "My pet we love you dearly so don't you fret!"
But I love everyone out there
Why can't they love me, I do care
I wish they weren't made to pass me by
I'm a Pit bull, I don't cry.
I sit behind my padlocked gate
From early morn till quite late
When I go out it's on a lead
Is mine the only heart to bleed
I'm held in check as the world goes by
I wish the Pit bull heart could cry.
There are some dogs, and also men
Who cannot tell a foe from a friend?
So all of us must bear the blame
Expected to live a life of shame
Condemned, alas and we know not why
All we know is we will not CRY!
--Author Unknown